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Diabetes Awareness Month: Making Time for Humor

As we celebrate Diabetes Awareness Month, I'd like to share a few thoughts on making time for humor. We all live extremely busy lives, balancing careers, families, social lives and managing our health care. Days go by at light speed. We're always on the go. One minute we're running here, the next we're going there, with a million things to do. Our to-do lists are six miles long, on average, and every item never gets crossed off. At this pace, entire days can go by when there's just no time to laugh. Those days add up, and before you know it, you're looking at weeks, even months, without humor.

Don't believe me? Ask yourself this. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? For most people, it's been a while. But as I explain in What's So Funny About Diabetes?, people with diabetes enjoy significantly better health when they laugh regularly and often. There are multiple ways humor helps us achieve effective diabetes management. Something as simple as laughing at your favorite sit com has been clinically proven to minimize post-meal blood sugar spikes.

How can you break through the busy to incorporate more humor into your life? Try treating yourself to a humor appetizer. Since we know that laughing prior to meals helps minimize blood sugar spikes later on, make a point of enjoying humor before you eat. This doesn't have to be difficult!

If you're in the habit of checking your emails first thing in the morning (and many of us are!) subscribe to a funny Joke of the Day list and read those before breakfast. Schedule lunch dates with your funniest friends or co-workers. Put your favorite sit com on the tv while you're preparing dinner. (Caution: don't try to make complicated recipes while watching The Big Bang Theory -it's really easy for everything to go horribly, horribly wrong. Ask me how I know this!)

What's your favorite tip for adding humor to your daily routine?

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