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Catching up with Karyn

Amazed and Amused

For leaders who are seeking to set an inspiring, entertaining, and engaging tone for their team, I recommend my program Amazed and Amused. 

In this program, I discuss how we find amusement by finding amazement in our days and how, even during tough situations, there are wonders to be found.  

When you learn how to live amazed and amused, your leadership ability and client relations excel. Motivate your team and inspire your stakeholders by sharing the exciting vision, products, and people that elevate your business above the rest. This passion is contagious, and it is a major key to your success! 

Depending on the length of your program or event, I can tailor my tips and strategies for the sane & successful to best suit your requirements. 

Interested? Learn more here! 

Amazed and Amused: Strategies for the Sane & Successful 

Success is not measured only in...

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Funny Means Money


Whether you’re a business under a lot of stress, or you’re just trying to add a little humor to your leadership style, I can help! 

Feeling the Pressure?  

If your organization is inundated with stress, then let’s nip it in the bud! Waiting until the eleventh hour to ask for help isn’t nearly as effective as acting on a situationbeforeit becomes dire. I can teach you how to leverage high-pressure situations in order to: 

  • Increase Productivity
  • Boost Engagement
  • Improve Communication
  • Increase Your Bottom Line

Adding to the Team? 

Mergers are tough. You have to help people from two different companies become comfortable in a new setting and learn how to work together. I have tips and strategies to make the transition easier for everyone!  

Are You an Effective Leader? 

Learning how to employ strategic humor in the workplace is an essential skill, and it has...

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Employee Engagement and Corporate Culture: It All Starts with a Sense of Humor

Employee Engagement and Corporate Culture

These are two buzzwords that have been trending over the past few years. But there’s a reason they’re trending – these circumstances can make or break an organization!

I’ve worked with a lot of executives and high performers who have been passionate about improving employee engagement and their corporate culture, and it’s incredible that leaders are recognizing the impact these two factors have on today’s workplace.

But let’s back up for a moment. Why are employee engagement and corporate culture so important?

New Workforce

A recent study reports that 35% of working Americans are aged 21 to 36 (Pew Research and MarketWatch). That’s a huge percentage. The workforce is getting younger, and in addition to this, people are moving in and out of organizations with increasing speed. Your organization needs to put effort into attracting and retaining this large new talent pool.


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