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Funny Means Money


Whether you’re a business under a lot of stress, or you’re just trying to add a little humor to your leadership style, I can help! 

Feeling the Pressure?  

If your organization is inundated with stress, then let’s nip it in the bud! Waiting until the eleventh hour to ask for help isn’t nearly as effective as acting on a situation before it becomes dire. I can teach you how to leverage high-pressure situations in order to: 

  • Increase Productivity
  • Boost Engagement
  • Improve Communication
  • Increase Your Bottom Line

Adding to the Team? 

Mergers are tough. You have to help people from two different companies become comfortable in a new setting and learn how to work together. I have tips and strategies to make the transition easier for everyone!  

Are You an Effective Leader? 

Learning how to employ strategic humor in the workplace is an essential skill, and it has a positive domino effect on organizations and the individuals who work in them. I can teach your team how to incorporate humor into their leadership roles to improve the quality of your employees’ professional, and personal, lives.  

Let me know how I can help your organization continue to thrive!  

When You Book Karyn Buxman to Speak, Here’s What You Get: 

  • Engaging, eye-opening custom presentations that educate, empower & entertain
  • Simple, easy-to-implement strategies your team can use to kickstart change
  • Behind-the-scenes support to make sure the message gets through to your team


Connect with Me: 

YouTube: Karyn Buxman 
Twitter: @KarynBuxman 
Facebook: Karyn Buxman Speaks 
LinkedIn: Karyn Buxman 


Karyn Buxman is a TEDx speaker, author, and neurohumorist (one who researches the neurobiology of humor) who lives at the intersection of humor and the brain. A pioneer in the emerging science of applied humor, Karyn helps high performers expand their influence, strengthen their relationships, and boost their resilience. She’s one of only 45 women in the world to be inducted into the National Speakers Association's Speaker Hall of Fame, and she has inspired over 500 organizations – including NASA and the Million Dollar Round Table– to add a dose of levity to their daily lives. 

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