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Stress is a Laughing Matter


We all know the old saying: “Laughter is the best medicine.”  

And it’s true! When you laugh, you’re: 

  • Relieving anxiety
  • Decreasing stress
  • Giving people a socially acceptable way to express their anger 

But many of you probably already know this. So, why is it important? Well, according to a study, laughter, and the stress reduction that comes out of it, can improve one’s memory and learning ability as we age! Crazy, right?! Allow me to save you some time and summarize this awesome finding:  

Chronic stress, manifested in the hormone cortisol, takes a toll on your brain over time, eating away at your learning and memory functions. When you laugh, you reduce cortisol levels, increasing your memory and recall functions, as well as your capacity to learn. 

All this to say, who couldn’t use more memory space in the hard drive that is your brain? If it can make such an impact on older adults, imagine how much it can do for your brain if you begin seeing humor today

So, next time you’re stressed at work and chugging toward that deadline, take a moment to do something that makes you smile or laugh, and stop that pesky cortisol in its tracks. When you come back to the task at hand, the ideas will be flowing! 

Start seeing the funny in everyday life, both inside and outside of work, and blast through that stress to a more clear and composed state of mind. You’re one good laugh away from your next great idea! 


Connect with Me:   

YouTube: Karyn Buxman  
Twitter: @KarynBuxman  
Facebook: Karyn Buxman Speaks  
LinkedIn: Karyn Buxman  


Karyn Buxman is a TEDx speaker, author, and neurohumorist (one who researches the neurobiology of humor) who lives at the intersection of humor and the brain. A pioneer in the emerging science of applied humor, Karyn helps high performers expand their influence, strengthen their relationships, and boost their resilience. She’s one of only 43 women in the world to be inducted into the National Speakers Association's Speaker Hall of Fame, and she has inspired over 500 organizations – including NASA and the Million Dollar Round Table– to add a dose of levity to their daily lives.  

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