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What’s So Funny About Father’s Day?

Not sure what to get Dad this Father’s Day? The best present you can give is the gift of laughter, according to humor expert, author, and professional speaker, Karyn Buxman.

“Laughter improves our mood and lifts the spirit,” Karyn said, “and it can also make us healthier.  The latest research continues to reveal the many physical and mental health benefits that come from sustained laughter. Humor can help us lower our blood pressure, maintain healthier blood sugar levels, increase circulation, and manage stress more effectively.”

Buxman draws on her health care background as a RN to advocate for the use of humor as a tool in chronic disease management. “Diabetes and heart disease are at epidemic levels in this country, and older men – we’re talking about Dad here! – are being affected every single day.  Either they’re struggling with diabetes or heart disease themselves, or they love someone who is.”

Father’s Day is a great opportunity to increase the amount of health-giving humor in your Dad’s life.  Here are some easy ways to make that happen:

  1. Seek out funny experiences.  A trip to a funny film or comedy club is sure to generate laughs – and memories that last a life time. Spending time together laughing is a positive way to strengthen the bonds between you.
  2. Start a humor collection for your dad. When you’re gift shopping, look for items that will make your Dad laugh.  A book of funny cartoons or a silly coffee mug can be just what Dad needs to provoke a smile.
  3. Are there lots of kids and grandkids? Round them all up and have each one tell their favorite joke. Record the whole thing on video so Dad can watch it again and again.  Be careful with this one: it can easily become a family tradition!

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